10 Minutes to Stronger Legs


10 minute Leg Workout

This workout is meant to be short but done at all out effort! If you are just a beginner please go slower and start with no weights then build up to the weighted moves when you feel ready. There is a cardio element to this workout as you are using large muscle groups and taking no rest so you should feel the burn and get out of breath if you are doing it right!




Side to Side lunges

Side to Side squats

Second position plies (sum squats)



Grab your weights or kettle bell (mine is 20lbs)

30 weighted sumo squats

30 seconds sumo squat pulses, Make sure you stay low!


Now grab your 5lbs dumbbells

20 Side lunges with Shoulder Press to the right. Keep your back flat and core engaged.


Weighted Plies in first position with either KB or DB

20 plies (knees over toes)

4 knees in, knees out then start to go faster with your knees (In< OUT<IN<OUT)

Finish with 16 pulses as low as you can go!


20 side lunges with Shoulder Press to the left with your 5lbs weights.




1 MINUTE Squat jumps forward and back. Try to keep moving and do as many as you can in the minute!


25 Kettle Bell Swings. (use a heavier weight if you don’t have a KB)


1 MINUTE Froggy Burpees, no push up and for those of you who are more advanced, do the heel clap jump!


Follow along my video for cues on form and alignment.

Stretch and drink lots of water afterwards.

Hope you feel the burn and enjoy the workout!