14 day biohacking and breathwork challenge. Discovering wellness practices to improve your health.
My Journey Into BioHacking
My husband Travis and I have been on this health and wellness journey for over 13 years and we’ve really enjoyed trying new ideas, routines and technologies all with the goal of feeling great. Some things we’ve kept, while others we’ve thrown out altogether! Each time we try something new, we ask ourselves one question: ‘do I feel better as a result of this?’ A simple question with powerful results.
So now, I’m turning this experiment over to you and giving you a chance to try out some of these ideas so see how you feel.
The Challenge
This is going to be one FUN challenge! Have you heard of biohacking? Breathwork? Interested in trying out some new self-care routines that are scientifically proven to improve how you feel? Biohacking and breathwork are at polar ends of the wellness spectrum and both can make you feel better.
One is more externally-focused (biohacking) while the other is more internally focused (breathwork). Here’s what they mean at their essence…
“If we want better outputs-to have more energy and focus, to be free of disease, to have better memory, to perform optimally in business and athletics- then let’s tweak the things we put into our body and mind to stack the deck in our favor” –Dave Asprey
“Yoga (breathwork) is a practice of mental and emotional flexibility. The physical postures are just vehicles for the agility and strength-of-the-mind training.” – Guru Jagat
We’re going to break this challenge down into two one-week challenges.
Week 1 is all about biohacking. These are externally-focused practices that can help you get more from your days.
Week 2 is all about mindfulness, meditation and breath work. Here we’re looking at how these internally-focused practices can help you feel your best.
Exploring these two seemingly opposites together will be a tonne of fun and you’ll get to see for yourself what works, what you like and what just feels plain weird (but might also work!).
Here’s the best part… a lot of these new routines are easy to incorporate, cheap, and FUN! I’m even getting excited just writing about it:)
There is no right or wrong, there is only a answer to this question: “how does this make me feel?’ … Does that make sense?
Are you as excited as I am?!!!!!!
GOOD, then join me in this FREE 14-day challenge where I will share with you some of the simplest practices that I have learned that have forever changed my life.. .Oh, and they’re proven to help you heal, have more energy and expand your mind.
This Challenge Starts April 9th.
This 14 day challenge includes:
- A quick pre-challenge wellness assessment
- 7 days of external biohacking practices ex; cold showers, grounding blocking blue light etc…
- 7 days of breathwork practices ex:, kundalini, healing music, minimalism, etc…
- A post-challenge evaluation
- A private Facebook forum to chat with everyone in the challenge
- Additional resources and information to deepen your practices
- A chance to win a 6 month membership to FIT CLUB my online training.
Along with an easy to follow list of the practices you will be trying, I will explain the science behind each one. Wellness shouldn’t be complicated or time-consuming so I’ll be dishing out practical tips on how to make these practices work in your busy life:)
Sign up today!