Around this time of year as we put the Christmas decorations away and talk about New Year’s resolutions, we often get caught up in the mindset of “what’s next?”. Surely, we all have new goals to achieve and bigger and better accomplishments to conquer in 2017. I know that for some, the future might already be causing you stress because you want to make more money, loss more weight, travel to more far off places etc… I am for sure guilty of letting my mind go around in circles trying to plan out my journey and how I can make the most out of my year ahead.
I’d like to encourage you to take a few minutes and reflect back on 2016 before you get caught up in what’s to come. This can be a powerful tool that will actually help you moving forward. We’ve all had our fair share of ups and downs, so take the time to look back and be grateful for your lessons learned, celebrate your accomplishments, acknowledge the not-so-great stuff and to examine your mistakes.
Here is my 2016 Year in Review.
1. Year one of FIT CLUB! We started off as a small group of 7 and have now grown to 60 strong, inspiring women. I learned so much about stepping into my power as a leader and learned how to simply do my best everyday. This group has inspired me more than they know it and I think I get more out of it then they do sometimes:)
2. Year 4 of working for Barre Fitness, an incredible ever-growing community of dope instructors and even cooler clients. Many of the clients have become my friends and have helped me go through some tough times this year.
3. Tough times. I know that we all go through ups and downs so this is to be expected. I went through a very traumatic experience where I had a client suffer a heart attack in my class. Although she is recovering now, having to jump in and be a leader in that moment (CPR for 4mins!) really shook me to my core. I am still receiving therapy from going through such a scary event.
4. Wonderful family trips. As always, my family got to spend lots of time on Denman Island, a very special place where we go to unwind and recharge. I also had lots of fun in LA, San Diego, Las Vegas, and Mexico.
5. Well… Mexico, I reflect back with mixed feelings on you! lol I unfortunately, BY ACCIDENT, drank some nasty tap water and got a parasite. This took a month to recover from and is something I’d like to NEVER go through again!
6. Personal Growth and Development, wow what a year indeed. As my meditation practice grew, so did the limitless opportunities. Honestly if you can dream it, you can do it. It seems like once you put all the self-doubt, negative thoughts and “poor-me’s” to bed, you actually have the mental energy to grow and expand in positive ways. Yes, there will always be tests for you to prove your love to yourself, but I really embraced and for the first time believe that loving yourself is the most brave and rewarding thing you can do for yourself.
I am not sharing all of my most personal experiences or biggest mistakes, those are for me to reflect back on. But I did write them all down and found it so liberating to be honest with myself on what I did well, and what I could use some help with next year:)
I hope you all get the chance to sit down with your journal and do a quick 2016 roundup.
With lots of love and light for 2017!