After a long week of hard work and dealing with the kids solo while the hubby travels, I usually feel like drinking a whole bottle of wine, eating something quick and easy (usually of the unhealthy variety) and curling up on the couch to binge on the latest Netflix series.
Of course this is a totally acceptable thing to do, but it doesn’t really set the tone for a healthy weekend! I try to be more mindful about how I end my week and start my weekend so I won’t feel guilty and I will have a healthy, productive weekend:)
- Fridays are for decompressing. Rather than drinking wine or bingeing on Netflix, I like to plan a special, healthy dessert for my Friday nights since I rarely have time to make dessert during the week nights. Perhaps an avocado pudding (https://www.benaturally.fit/chocolate-mint-avocado-pudding/), or a peach crisp, both great things to enjoy with the family. After that, instead of heading straight to the couch, I try to go outside with good book as the sky fades to night.
- Saturday mornings need to be chill. I used to get up and teach spin every Saturday morning, then race home and get the girls ready for ballet, then grocery shop, start laundry… ARGH! Not relaxing, nor did I enjoy the time very much. During the week, mornings are go-go-go, so take Saturday morning to sleep in, enjoy a strong coffee, make yourself pancakes (https://www.benaturally.fit/oat-almond-vegan-pancakes/) and then get to your workout wear on and sweat up a storm (try this workout https://www.benaturally.fit/strong-core-series/) so that it’s out of the way.
- Get Outdoors! My family and I are big outdoor explorers. So on either Saturday or Sunday afternoon, we head out for a big hike together. Being in nature after being at a desk all week is so therapeutic and can do wonders for your mindset. I feel refreshed, rejuvenated and more calm after our outdoor adventures.
- Sundays are meal-prep days. Don’t look at meal-prep as a chore. It will save you time during the week when you need it the most. Plan ahead a few meals, shop for them and prepare whatever you can to set yourself up for a healthy week. We know that poor nutrition leads to low-energy, stress, and weight gain, so plan and take action. You will feel so much more relaxed going into the week with some food ready to go in the fridge and a game plan for dinners.
It’s always important to strive for balance and enjoyment! Use this weekend to relax, stay connected to your goals and practice those healthy habits you know will make you feel awesome when Monday rolls around.