Happy Friday Babes!
There are a lot of things that make me happy, like walks in nature, swimming in the ocean, a sweaty workout, snuggles with my kids and a nutritious home cooked meal.
But like many of you, I go through phases where I try new things, adopt fun new practices, and change the way I eat all on the quest to live my most happiest and healthiest life. So in today’s post, I wanted to share with you the things I’ve been loving and that have been making me feel so good in mind, body and spirit!
1. KUNDALINI YOGA with Guru Jagat on Ra-Ma TV.
Over the past year, nothing has been more transformative than my kundalini practice. It includes breath work, meditation and yoga to help you break free from your subconsciousness fears and self-imposed limitations. It has allowed me to access a strength I didn’t even know I had within me. Travis and I are completely hooked and do it together every night, often with the kids joining us. I have so much more mental clarity, abundance, joy and passion in my life because of kundalini. My biggest source of inspiration is the QUEEN of kundalini herself, Gura Jagat. I had the amazing opportunity to take her class while in LA this past year, and use her book and online kundalini training program, RA-MA TV which allows me to take class wth her via the internet every night. I’m so excited to be going to a Kundalini retreat this summer with Travis in which we will spend 5 days full immersing ourselves into the practice.
We are all intuitive beings. But somewhere along the way, most of us have lost the ability to tap into that inner knowing and be able to trust the signs our bodies and minds show us every single day. Intuition is a knowing, it’s the ability to connect with our feminine energy and give credence to the signs, nudges and insights that exist within and around us. I’ve been reading Intuitive Being by Jill Willard and doing her work and the exercises giving to help deepen my intuition so I can have that compass guiding me towards more growth and ultimate abundance in all areas of my life. It’s been quite the journey so far! I will probably doing a full blog post on here soon once I finish the book and have more to report back on so stay tuned:)
3. Collagen!
I am late to jump onto this trend as I thought it was just that.. a trend that would come and go. And well, perhaps it is, but man, I’m liking it now. I also avoided it since the algae collagen gave me a negative adverse reaction (like an anxiety attack) and I was a vegan so wasn’t ready to try the beef collagen. Then one day I was making bone broth for my sick daughter and my body just called on me to drink the bone broth (um hello intuition!)… and my body responded is such a positive way!!! It was at this point I knew I wasn’t getting what I needed anymore from my vegan diet and decided to try adding some meat back in. Anyways long story short, I decided to try collagen from Organika and have been so happy I did. My joints, skin, hair and nails are all so happy I finally started feeding them the nutrients they need to feel (and look) their best. I simply add one scoop of collagen to my smoothies in the morning, SO easy. Bonus, that 10 grams of protein and it makes your smoothies creamy without adding any flavour. I also have been enjoying bone broth and few times a week as well for the added vitamins and minerals it provides.
When I first started this blog and FIT CLUB, I felt the pressure to be constantly producing content. I would make several recipes a week, do 3 newsletters a week, said yes to every collaboration that came my way, and gave away so much of my time and energy. And guess how this story ends….? Yup, BURNOUT. But worse than that, I wasn’t as connected to my kids or husband, I was sacrificing my health by eating more, sleeping less and not making time for the things I love. Now I am happy to say I work way less! I wanted to be a mom, a wife and work on myself without the guilt or stress so I have found a more balanced approach which seems to be working. I only check my emails 2x a day, only go onto Instagram 2x and day and have dedicated work hours instead of just working all day all night. And most importantly, I get outside and connect with Mother Earth once a day, BEST.
Yup, call me crazy but I freaking love it. It’s the kind of workout that I love to hate. It’s so relentlessly hard, but oh so rewarding when you make it to the top (12.5km and 1000 m vertical elevation). It takes me about 1hr when I really give it my all. It’s so so much harder than the Grind and quite a bit longer. At first I hated the descent as it’s scary AF going that fast downhill, but as I get used to it and become a better biker, I am finding it fun to speed down the mountain. I have found it’s good for my mindset, has improved my endurance in my running and has me outdoors which is really my happy place. So many of you ask me on Instagram about my bike so I thought I’d share that it’s a Nordco Threshold from 2015 that was a hand me down from Travis. It’s an amazing bike that we had fitted to suit my size and needs as a rider. I don’t know what I am training for (perhaps a Grand Fondo?) but I sure do love it.
This isn’t meant to be a plug for my work, I’m honestly loving these workshops. This is the reason I took my Meditation Teacher Training, so I could share this precious information with the world! This work feels so fulfilling and brings me so much joy. I’m excited to see where it takes me as more people turn towards meditation for self-care, focus, and mental health. The classes I created and teach are a unique blend of kundalini, strength training, breath work and meditation (all of the things I love so much). I am trying to spread the word and really have all my clients experience the magic and healing that these classes deliver. I teach them every Wednesday at Bluhouse Cafe, 12pm and are drop-in. Bring a friend and come out for some mid-week bliss:)
I also have my Mindfulness and Meditation Workshop that I have created to help teach others how to incorporate Mindfulness and Meditation into their practice and work they do with clients. It’s going to be amazing and there is still a few spots left if this is something you want in on, for more info or to sign up, read my post here.
So, that’s what been rocking my world lately. If you have any questions about any of these things or want to come out and go biking with me, shoot me a DM!
Sending you all much love and light