Core muscles are used and engaged in everything you do. We need them to stand up straight, to lift our kids, even just getting out of bed requires abdominals.
To achieve a flat stomach and strong core, we need to think beyond the “6 pack”. To strengthen our mid-section we need to train all the layers of our abdominals (front, sides, back, hip flexors, pelvic floor muscles etc…).
This ab series targets many of our core muscles and gets the whole body involved. You don’t need any equipment other than one weight (or it could easily be done without) and it only takes 10 minutes!
- From downward facing dog- flow your right knee into your chest then back up x8
- Then from DD (down dog) drop your right hip down to your mat to flow the foot back up to the sky x8
- Repeat the series on the left leg- knee in to chest x8- hip to ground x8
- High Plank alternating reach hand to the sky x8
- Side plank reach under with little twist x8 then hold hips high-both sides.
- Regular elbow plank 30 seconds, then 8 knee taps.
- Ab splitters (with weight) x 10.
- Russian twists (with weight) 30 secs
- Lying on your back with your legs making a diamond, squeeze your knees in as you curl up x 16, pulse up to finish.
- Lying flat legs extended wide, curl up as you tap your right heel into the midline then back to wide x8 on the right.
- x8 on the left leg.
- Bend your knee (keep legs wide) and reach opposite elbow to knee x8 right leg- x8 left leg.
- Bicycle to finish! (aim for 30 secs)
Make sure you follow the video the first time to see the angles I am working. It’s important to really complete the moves even if that means you have to move slower than me:)
Let me know if you enjoyed this workout and felt the burn!