Abs are made in the kitchen.
I am sure you have heard this saying before but what does it really mean?
Let’s say you just crushed a killer workout but then got busy afterwards and forgot to re-fuel in that 30 minute window right after. Now hours later you are famished and so hungry that you start eating everything in your fridge and go overboard on the unhealthy things like having a fully loaded grill cheese with some chips and salsa finished off by 2 cookies. Well, you have now over-ate your workout.
Meaning that weight loss comes from your food choices, not your workouts. You can train for hours but if you are going to eat frozen pizza and spring rolls, you aren’t going to achieve those flat abs.
To effectively lose weight, you need to reduce the amount of calories you consume and train smart, not for endless hours a day.
If you want to lose weight, choose a lower calorie diet (then you one you are currently eating) that is based on high-quality food. Remember that it’s not a one-size fits all equation. Create your own plan that fits into your lifestyle and stick with it.
Sadly you can’t out-train a bad diet so lets talk about how to notice a change in the way your clothes fit and to feel better in your own skin without all the rules or hours in the gym.
- Eat a healthy, filing breakfast. This is not just a saying, there is so much evidence saying that people who eat a large breakfast are thinner and have less cravings later in the day. Wake up, have your lemon water and eat a big healthy breakfast loaded with the good stuff (protein, fiber and healthy fats).
- Avoid the fads and be smart with your foods choices. No more eating processed foods. Stick to the perimeter of the grocery store everytime you shop and eat 80% fruits and veggies and 20% proteins, fats and complex carbs. So avoid the fads and choose sustainability every time.
- Have a consistent exercise routine. Regular exercise helps promote appetite control, keeps our metabolic rate up so we burn more calories and helps tone our bodies leaving us with a better body composition. Did I say spend hours in the gym, no way! Just daily movement coupled with some short, intense HITT workouts is enough☺
By showing you that simplicity is the building block for weight loss, I hope to help you get over the all-or-nothing mindset. Get to love real food and enjoy your 4 workouts a week☺
Remember it’s easy to eat a lot of calories but really hard to burn a lot of calories. So what you eat will always have a bigger impact on weight loss than how many km you have run this week.
If you are looking to do a great core workout, check out my video Sore to the Core.
Let me know how you like it!