Hi! As I prepare to launch my new online program, it dawned on me that many of you may not know the real “me”.
So allow me to re-introduce myself as I have grown, changed and evolved a lot since starting this blog, and business Be Naturally Fit.
The quick stat list on me: I am a mom of 2 beautiful girls, a wife to one amazing man, live in Deep Cove North Vancouver and coach women’s health and fitness.
I love nature and are an advocate for Mother Earth, I love moving in every sense of that word, from mountain biking, to ocean swims, to hardcore HIIT workouts to juicy kundalini kryas and of course get down often with a good old fashion booty shake in the living room:) I have a daily meditation practice, follow the moon cycles, eat a clean wholefoods diet and have the best clients in the world.
I am on the cusp of my 37 birthday and a lot as been in the works as I discover and follow my dharma for this lifetime. Over the past few years I have been immersing myself in different healing and growth opportunities as I felt the call for a deeper connection to this beautiful life I live.
Over 2 years ago I found kundalini yoga and it quickly became a practice that fast tracked my growth, gave me massive amounts of compassion, energy, clarity and radiance. I found my teacher Guru Jagat and began learning as much as I could from her in person and her classes on Rama TV.
Just returning from LA where I was taking my kundalini teacher training with the team at Rama, I am ready to show up and make a difference with all the tools I have learned along with my skills as a coach and my energy as a trainer. I know what I have to offer will help alot of women rediscover their strength and spirituality.
Listen, we need strong women in this critical time on our planet. I want to help raise them help and give them the confidence and empowerment so that they too can go out and inspire their communities, families and workplaces.
Fiercely Feminine was created for exactly this, to help inspire, empower and push women into living a wholehearted, happy, connected life.
The tools, daily practices, meditation and lifestyle principles in Fiercely Feminine will give women the energy and clarity needed to make REAL change! Deep rooted old habits will be broken, new thought patterns will form and you will upgrade in every way possible.
Sign up now and join the growing group of like-minded, trail blazing women and get started with the extra content you receive as soon as you sign up.