This week is a cosmically powerful time! We have some major astrological events coming up and I’m sure you all feel the energy in the air, it’s electric.
In the world of Yoga, astrology and spiritual soul-seekers, Summer’s Solstice is more celebrated than Christmas. This tie of year is a powerful invitation to return back to our natural rhythms, to our home, nature, and to come out stronger on the other side. There is a lot of universal energy to work with this year as the full moon is 4 days before the Solstice making it a super charged time to make shit happen!
The Summer Solstice celebrates the light, the sun and the spirit of emergence and growth. The Strawberry Full Moon offers us a an opportunity to celebrate the fullness of life and give thanks to the abundance of the season.
I encourage all of you to harness this energy and put it towards your own personal growth and expansion as you can make quantum leaps into higher levels of consciousness and wellbeing with this energy supporting you. We have the ability to reshape and co-create our realities and that of the collective. if you’ve been called to manifest a new direction, project or goal, babes, now is the time:)
Ways to amplify, expand and co-create with the energy of the Summer’s Solstice are:
- Get CRYSTAL CLEAR with your core values and what’s lighting you up at the moment. What you believe in, your gut instincts, your “hobby’ that brings a smile to your face are all signs from the universe to show you your path in life. Write them all down! Yes, this will take time, I recently did this and page after page flowed out from me.
- CHECK IN. Where do you feel like you are winning in life? What’s not working? How do you feel this month? What’s not getting done. What’s feeling good in your body?
- PURGE. Time to get rid of the old, the junk and the clutter. Both emotionally and physically. Do a closet clean, a fridge purge and a journal purge where you jot down all the thoughts floating around in your head:) It feels so good to get it out of your house and out of your head.
- SUN SALUTATIONS. Yes, you know the warm up sequence in most flow yoga classes. Literally meant to salute and worship the sun so a very appropriate ritual. I suggest doing 5 full Sun Salutations facing the east where the sun rises in the morning. Such a powerful way to harness that solar energy and feel re-charged and alive. Watch this Video for a quick tutorial:)
- GROUND YOURSELF. The energy can be rather electric and we can be thrown into a emotional chaos around the full moons and definitely with this Solstice! Head to your local recreational body of water, whether its the ocean, a lake or a stream or river and get yourself in that water. The colder the better I say:) Even if you can’t bring yourself to fully immerse yourself in the water, get your feet in. The bottom of your feet are covered with millions of nerve endings so your nervous system will reap the benefits and you will ground into the earth with bare feet in the water.
- MEDITATE. The most important this on this list is your meditation practice. It is such a powerful time to tune into the Universe and the conscious frequency of the planet. I suggest a inner light meditation where you imagine light travelling all throughout your body and as it does, it heals every cell in your body. Imagine the light coming down from the heavens right through your crown chakra and into your heart center. Then move the energy into every nook and cranny of your entire being. Feel the warmth and radiance of the light and trust that it will illuminate you from the inside out leaving you feeling bright, healthy and holy.
I do all these things and more. It feels so good to celebrate MOTHER EARTH, the MOON and our ABUNDANCE in a intentional way through ritual, ceremony and prayer. I have a whole other post on my Full Moon rituals if you want more information HERE.
If you’d like to connect with me or share your special rituals or Summer’s solstice practice with me, head on over and share on Instagram.
Happy Solsticing!