Anti-Inflammatory Foods- Green Smoothie Recipe Included


Inflammation is part of the body’s immune system. We need it to heal and repair ourselves. But too much of it can lead to joint and muscle soreness, fatigue and damage in our bodies. Chronic inflammation is also thought to play a role in certain cancers, auto-immune disorders and heart disease. And the culprit is eating too much processed wheat products, foods high in sugars and saturated fats.


Fight back against inflammation and create balance in your body by eating more of these foods!


  • Leafy Greens. Spinach, kale, collards and Swiss chard all have very high amount of vitamins and minerals. They are especially high in Vitamin E, which plays a big role in protecting us against inflammation.
  • Nuts- Almonds, walnuts and cashews being among my favorite and again it comes back to that Vitamin E. They also have high amounts of omega-3 and antioxidants to help us ward off inflammation.
  • Beets– What don’t beets do really? They help protects us against inflammation and keep us loaded with vitamins and plant pigments called betalains. Super FOOD!
  • Ginger and Turmeric– Try adding ginger and turmeric to you’re cooking or add them to your smoothies or juices. (Fresh turmeric can usually be found at Whole Foods or Asian or Indian markets). Ginger and turmeric also have strong anti-viral properties that help your body fight a cold or flu.
  • Cucumbers– Cucumbers have a cooling effect on your body.
  • Pineapple– Not just because of its high amounts of vitamin C, pineapple has a high amount of bromalain (a protein digesting enzyme) that works wonders to reduce swelling, bruising and pain in your muscles and joints.


I want to share with you my anti-inflammatory green smoothie that includes 3 of these foods. Perfect for after a tough workout or any time you feel stiff or sore.




Makes 2 large smoothies.

Big handful of spinach (approx 2 cups)

Generous numb of fresh ginger.

Pineapple- 1 cup

½ cucumber

½ lime

2 cups of coconut water or just use plain water:)

Blend all together in a powerful blender (Vitamix) and enjoy.

