As women today, we bear a lot of responsibility, hold space for others and energize the people in our lives with our presence. To be a women is to the sacred creator of life itself. Our feminine essence is what makes us radiant and magnetic. But the stress of all of the “extras’ we as women have taken on chips away and diminishes our divine radiance and feminine energy.
You may not even realize that this has happened to you. I didn’t. I thought I was doing a good job at handling life, I had organized spreadsheets of my kids schedules, I was onto of meal prep and I was keeping everyone on track. That all sounds great but this means I was in my masculine and not in FLOW or creating from my feminine self. My relationship with my husband lost its polarity and I wasn’t attracting in the opportunities I was wishing for nor was I ever really at peace or happy. After being pulled back to yoga and meditation, I realized that I had lost my connection to my feminine energy and therefore wasn’t radiating love and light. This was a dark period for me.
Listen I want to be a modern women who is kicking ass in business, life and love. But I also want to be my most radiant self and attract in more light and love (light attracts light right?) so to find balance is key.
To be radiant is to literally ‘radiate’ and to be a radiant woman is to be available to the full expression of our feeling life and to not hold back from the expression of our living truth.
To become a radiant women, you need to be connected to your sensuality, your soft and dark sides, be alright with showing up messy and wild, untamed and carefree. You need to EMBODY these feminine traits. You need to incorporate feminine practices that open your heart and build up your radiant energy!
Radiance cannot be cultivated by starving ourselves from the things that light us up. You cannot soften your heart by hardening your exterior shell. You cannot command your energy if you are completely stressed out. You cannot tap into the flow state by spending all day on excel sheets:) SERIOUSLY.
Let me know share some of the most simple yet profound practices that will have you embracing your softer feminine side and radiating your love and light.
- SLOW DOWN, TAKE TIME FOR YOURSELF. This one is obvious, you can’t radiate love and light when you are tired AF, rushing around and stressed to the max. Carve out some ritual time where you mindfully do nothing. Perhaps you sit and stare out the window, maybe you go for a slow walk (without counting steps or listening to a podcast) or perhaps this simply means cutting out the extras from your day. I get it, we are busy, but do we really need to do XYZ? What about you my love? How are you nourishing yourself with the gift of time? How are you moving throughout your day? Walk slower, move slower, breath slower and take a second to just be.
- LISTEN TO EMPOWERING SOUND CURRENTS. Sound is vibration, vibration is energy, energy moves matter meaning what you listen to affects your energy. A healing feminine sound current I highly suggest to all my clients is the Adi Shakti mantra. Shakti is the power of creation and feminine life force within us. By listening (or even better yet chanting the Adi Shakti mantra you are connects you with your inner power and the divine feminine energy of the universe. My favourite version is ADI SHAKTI. If this isn’t your jam, try listening to 432 hz music or now that’s it’s Spring, open those windows and listen to the birds chirp. DON’T listen to the news, watch dramatic TV shows or low vibe music or podcasts. Mantras are incredibly powerful in more ways than just shifting us into our feminine. They also work on healing our subconscious and all you have to do is have them playing in the background.
- WILLINGNESS. “Keep coming back to a willing attitude.” Be willing to follow your authentic self, the pings from the universe and your true knowing. You must be willing to do the work when it arises. Perhaps you are triggered and want to close your heart and retreat. When this happens there must be this vulnerable willingness to stay open and face the darkness. Be willing to understand yourself and your feminine essence without shame, guilt or doubt.
- BREATHWORK. Breathwork continues to open and surprise me with its power. I first started with 3 minutes of breath of fire and now I am doing almost 30 minutes of different breathwork practices a day. And wow, it works! Breathwork is an active meditation technique that uses the breath to purge the body of emotional gunk. It moves around energy (the good and the bad) and strengthens our auric body resulting in more radiance. It pumps our blood with oxygen and detoxifies our system. Breathwork is embodiment work. It brings you in your body and allows you to travel to new heights of consciousness and existence. It is our duty as women in this new age of rising feminine power to do breathwork every single day. It also completely brightens your skin and stops the aging process by boosting collagen (in a big way).
I hope you decide to take on one or all of the above practices. This is just the start to becoming more open, connect to your divine feminine and RADIANT. Stay grounded and present and don’t allow the stress of the world to close and shield your heart, it will dull and drain you of a beautiful life filled with abundance, love and light.
If you are looking for more guidance I can help. I mentor women all across the world on how to cultivate these practices and provide support and guidance along their spiritual awakening. DM me or check out all the different ways to work with my on my Wellness Offerings page.
xoxo Rebecca