It is hard for me to share this, but in the name of authenticity and honesty, I have to share that I recently have been adding bone broth into my diet.
When I decided to stop eating chicken and beef a few years ago, it felt like the right decision for my health and it aligned with my core values.
When I was sick with my parasite, many people told me to include bone broth into my diet to help heal my gut, but I wasn’t ready to make that change. The thought of bone broth was still gross to me so didn’t try it at that time.
But something has shifted in me lately. I have been feeling the pull to try it. When my daughter was ill a few weeks ago, I bought her chicken bone broth to help her get better and when I was serving it, really felt like trying it! In the past it would have grossed me out but this time was different, it was like my body was telling me it was time and that it needed the extra nutrients.
I gave it a sip and it was SO GOOD! I knew at that moment that bone broth was going to be a new addition to my holistic approach towards healing and nourishing my body.
Now let me go ahead and explain this does not mean I will be adding actual meat, dairy or eggs back into my diet, it just simply means that I will be adding BONE BROTH into my diet! I’m still a big believer in the plant-based way of life. Veggies are and always be my number one and this small shift is something I feel will be something I do for awhile and then will re-evaluate:)
I know, it sounds gross eh? This nutrient dense liquid is really the original healing superfood, bone broth is one of the oldest most medicinal foods in many cultures, and is a truly respectful way to use the whole animal. Because of its abundant benefits such as easy to absorb minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulphur and more), super healing amino acids (proline, glycine and glutamine), loads of collagen, and its wonderful ability to heal the gut, reduce inflammation, boost immunity, improve digestion and promotes probiotic balance and growth, I feel this is a beneficial addition to my routine. And for someone who doesn’t eat meat, this is a great way for to get protein. It has 10 grams of protein for 1 cup and is extremely low in calories. You should read all about the nutritional information and why it’s so healing here: BONE BROTH INFO
Bone broth is VERY different from processed stocks. Bone broth is made by simmering the bones along with some veggies and spices for 40 + hours to extract all the collagen, glutamine and amino acids found in the bones. The usual grocery store stock is mostly just flavoured with MSG and spices and does NOT have the same nutritional value so beware.
I bought my first bone broth at Stongs Market here in North Vancouver. I tried a company called Bo & Marrow and really loved it. It is made from organic, ethically farmed meat and they even make a vegan one done with mushrooms and sea vegetables. If you live here in North Vancouver, you can also pick some up at Two Rivers Meats which is locally owned and again, all the meat is ethically farmed (happy animals only). This really matters to me!
Of course, making your own at home is easy enough. It does take 40-70 hours of simmering FYI to really extract all the nutrients so make sure you have a slow cooker or plan on being around for a few days. I will be trying to make my own with the bones from our turkey this Christmas.
Let me just say, it’s been amazing! I can tell it’s what my body needed right now. The added minerals and nutrients have given me a boost of energy, helped with muscle tone and recovery and has even helped with cognitive functions. My skin is glowing and my hair and nails feel strong. I also have my whole family on the bone broth train. From all the research I have done, it seems like the best time to consume it is first thing in the morning. I truly feel it nourishing me from the inside out and enjoy the continued fast in the morning.
I will try this new routine for a couple months to really see if this is something that I will continue on with. The biggest takeaway is something I already knew but have relearned… that you need to listen to your body.
And I guess this ties into another important lesson which is: don’t get married to just one ideology or way of eating. Yes, being a strict vegan worked for me for awhile, and now, well…it’s not. Which is why I hate when we label the way we eat. The way we eat should be fluid and seasonal. It should reflect our lifestyle and level of activity. It should be ever-changing and always what’s best for us in the moment.
I hope this post taught you a little something about bone broth but more than that, I hope this post gives you permission to listen to your body and eat according to that. Don’t put yourself into a box or ignore the signs that your diet isn’t serving your highest potential.