My Week at Summer Camp
Many of us have fond memories of summer camp, where we were immersed in nature, slept in cabins, tents or teepees, and sang zany songs around a bonfire every night. Well, I got a chance to make a whole new set of memories when I went to Camp Fircom to participate in a week of camp for mothers and their children.
I was invited (as a volunteer) to work with the moms programming and taught a bootcamp, an upper-body core class and a classic barre class, and I also got to lead a candle-lit guided meditation down on the dock.
Camp Fircom is on Gambier Island just past Bowen Island (off the coast of Vancouver). Although it takes only a 20-minute water taxi ride to get there, it feels far removed from the city.
The week that I attended is designed for moms and their kids (aged 3-12) and the camp sold out at 50 moms and 80 kids. You would think this would be a recipe for chaos but the staff and volunteers are so organized and have systems in place to ensure the comfort of everyone from the moment you get off the boat.
The grounds are beautiful, the counsellors are engaging, responsible and fun, the food was healthy and the programs were well thought out and summer camp appropriate. Here are some things that made my week magical:
1. The emphasis they put on self-care for the moms
Honestly, the moms were taken care off! We didn’t have to cook or clean for the week, we were offered numerous programs every day that covered fitness, yoga, meditation, nutrition, plus, we had free time. In the evenings the counsellors watched over our sleeping children while us moms got to chill and socialize, usually with tea and dessert.
2. Being unplugged
The camp has a no-screen-time rule that applies to the moms as well as the kids. We were allowed to check our emails and catch up on our Instagram feeds in the evening, but around camp there was a no-phone rule. As someone who runs a business, blog and connects with my clients virtually, this initially made me anxious, but I left my phone in my cabin (on airplane mode) and not only survived but I enjoyed the extra time I had to listen to and connect with everyone around me (including my own kids!). I got to enjoy the sunsets, the nature walks and the camp activities without worrying about capturing everything on camera.
3. No wine
I enjoy wine as much as the next person, but at camp we really didn’t need it! Stress levels were low and it was refreshing to dance and sing and be goofy without the buzz from alcohol. The moms got to know each other for who we really are. Plus I got amazing sleeps, and woke up feeling refreshed every morning.
4. Watching my kids
And I mean really watching my kids grow and learn and flourish. Camp Fircom brings out the best in every kid. There was no bullying, no fighting and no crazy meltdowns. The big kids helped the little kids and everyone played together. My girls had the time of their lives and really got into the magic of camp. I feel closer to them after the week and I know they have a stronger sense of self and are more confident among others.
5. Being in Nature
Being among the trees and by the ocean has the ability to heal the soul and I felt grounded and calm the whole week. The daily ocean swims made me feel cleansed and refreshed and being in outdoor spaces all day and watching the sunrise and sunset brought a true feeling of Zen.
I hope that, by sharing my experience at Camp Fircom, other parents out there will consider going to summer camp WITH their kids. It is awesome!
Want more info about this magical camp that sounds to good to be true? Here is the link http://fircom.ca/summer-camp/.
And don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter to keep up to date with all the different collaborations I have planned and where else you can catch me teaching bootcamp or leading meditations across the lower Mainland!