My new website, BeNaturally.Fit, launches today and I’m feeling excited, tired, anxious and relieved – all at once. A year ago this was just a rough idea that I was not brave enough to share with anyone but my husband and now it’s a coming to fruition, thanks to a lot of hard work by both myself, my friends, and my family.
Over the past few years I’ve worked for several amazing fledgling fitness companies and I’ve loved doing my part to help them grow and succeed, but it’s time for me to pursue my own dream.
I’ve spent the summer making workout videos in every location I could find, photographing almost every meal that my family ate, spending way too much time on the computer, and working with some awesome people to create this website.
It’s been a lot of work but I know it’s worth it: I’ve learned a lot and I’ve become much more confident in my ability to make something concrete out of my ideas.
Watch this space as I lay out everything I have prepared for you – let this journey begin!