Hi Beautiful!
It’s Monday and I am feeling so relaxed, connected and healed after my solo weekend at home sans kids, hubby or car. This time alone came at the perfect time, I had just had a shit show of a week and was feeling extremely anxious.
My husband took the girls on a road trip while I stayed home here in DeepCove for 5 full days of alone time. On day 1 I felt lost, was unable to slow down and anxious about having so much free time. But as the weekend rolled in, I settled and felt a beautiful wave of peace and quiet wash over my nervous system.
I did work which kept me from drifting too far down the rabbit hole and the weather was HOT and SUNNY! I didn’t try and fill my time seeing friends, doing chores and didn’t take on any “extras”. This kind of time is so rare and I learned a lot over my 5 days of solo time.
- I really like my own company:) Spending long days solo allowed me the space to think, reflect and listen to my inner dialogue on a whole new level. I already consider myself a very self-aware person, but this time alone allowed for a deeper experience of self. I did what I love, stayed away from things I don’t (like driving around town 100 times a day) and indulged.
- Writing is restorative. Over the weekend I spent a lot more time journaling and writing down ideas, lists, and notes to myself. It felt so good to get some stuff I have been mulling over out of my head and onto paper so I could process it.
- I feel my best when I do at least 1 hour of Kundalini a day. I had some pretty wild kundalini experiences over the weekend. Like went to the moon and back kind of practices. When you practice kundalini a lot (I was doing probably 2 hours a day) the kundalini energy rises and starts to build. This shakti divine feminine energy brings a certain amount of enlightenment and clarity. I definitely feel awakened and clear!
- I am 100% ok with eating the same thing for a few days if it means less mess and prep:) I basically had oatmeal with berries for breakfast, smoothie bowl for lunch, and salad with ground turkey for dinner every single day. Yes, I mixed up different variations of these meals, but with less thinking about what to eat, I had more energy (and time) to do other things!
- Solitude provides time to reboot your brain, appreciate what is, and allows you to think more creatively. In kundalini yoga they say you must go thoughtless to be more thoughtful (its the way polarity works). I haven’t created any online programs or content for over 6 months and over the weekend, an idea came to me for my next online offering. You see, I was burnt out and too busy to deal with the pressure of having an online business as my in-person coaching amped up. But after all the alone time in deep thought, it just channeled through and I am so excited to get started on putting it together. More details on that soon:)
- Walking and biking everywhere is awesome. Man, I haven’t missed the car at all! BIking into barre or walking to yoga has been so great for my overall health. All those steps mean good sleeps, better digestion and again, clear head! It helps that it’s been beautiful and warm or else I’m not so sure I would have loved walking almost 10 km or biking 40km would have been so enjoyable…lol
Being alone and being lonely are two very different things. I think in our society of insta-likes, constant on the go hustle and online social media platforms, we neglect ourselves and because of that, we lose control of our thoughts, habits and patterns. The day rules us instead of us ruling the day. My hope is that this post inspires you to take some much-needed solo time for self-discovery and self-care:)
xoxo Rebecca