Tonight is the full Moon in Taurus. I know this because I have been practicing full moon rituals for manifestation and intuition for the past two years and have learned how to use these cycles to open up and go deeper into my spiritual practices.
I think this Full moon tonight is extra energizing with Halloween only a week away.
I started developing a full moon ritual by chance. It was actually a friend who had invited me to an sisterhood ocean swim one full moon in May and I left transformed! The ritual of setting an intention, connecting with the magic of the moon and swimming in the freezing cold ocean literally awakened something within me that I couldn’t turn off.
Now a few years later I have created a pretty solid FULL MOON RITUAL that opens my intuition, helps me go deeper, pushes me to keep working towards my goals and helps me shed what no longer serves me. I also track all the moon cycles (full, waxing, new, and waning phases) with the book “Many Moons” by Modern Women which provides more insights into the astrological meaning of the different moons, what energies are stirring, and also has tarot pulling suggestions.
- My ritual starts in the morning or even night before with the awareness of the full moon. I take a second to notice my emotions and energy. I simply make note to how I am feeling whether it’s low-vibe, nervous, excited, inspired or expanded….
- The night of the full moon (or if I miss it- the night after) I head down to the ocean with either my friend (mentioned above) or my family. Swimming in the ocean is ALWAYS a good idea no matter how much resistance you come up against. Sure it’s hard to get in, yup it’s cold from Sept through to May, but man, it’s incredibly energizing, cleansing and leaves you feeling pure bliss and euphoria.
- Later when we get home I light a few candles, get cozy and either smudge or diffuse essential oils. This sets the tone for my rituals and spiritual practice.
- Now I meditate. Some nights I do kundalini yoga, other nights I chant, some nights I sit in silence. I allow my intuition to guide me into the practice that will best serve my soul and spirit. I often speak with myself true self on this night and ask it what it needs in order to love more, to up level or to expand into a higher consciousness.
- Then I journal. Journalling is where I get all that shit out of my head and feel liberated by the act of writing. It’s cathartic and empowering. On full moons I usually circle back to my long term goals, my wants and needs, explore areas where I need to let go or simply write a gratitude list.
- Lastly I try to call in something I am currently manifesting. Whether it’s a new client, a trip, more money, a change… whatever it is, I set my intentions and ask the universe and spirits to help support me with what I am trying to call in. VERY POWERFUL STUFF!
Some Full Moon nights seems to bring out my crazy wild side, while others have me turning inwards and I want nothing to do with anyone. The cool thing about having a ritual is that I get to notice how each Full Moon affects me! And reading back to past Full Moons is always a great reflecting practice as it shows you the cycles you are working through.
I would love to hear from you if you have a Full Moon Ritual.