Leadership. What does that word mean to you?
I spent a few days last week at a conference for women on the rise where the main focus was how to be a powerful leader.
Many themes came up. It takes courage, authenticity, connection, authenticity and humility to be a real leader, to make a difference in the world and at the ground level.
I walked away from this conference with a sense of pride knowing that we, the women in FIT CLUB, are making our mark by inspiring others and standing up for what we believe in. We are doing the hard work of healing ourselves so that we give permission to other women to put themselves first, know their values and go after their goals.
You see leadership is not about scaling a global company, becoming a CEO, or being president, it’s about inspiring and guiding the women who come behind you.
If you have climbed the ladder to success (whatever that may look like to you), put that ladder back down and help pull up the women who come after you.
If you have found success in family life, finances, health or fitness you share that knowledge and help those less privileged and or who haven’t found their way yet.

I know that the feminine energy is on the rise, I can feel it in my bones that we will save our planet, we will fight for equality, and we will heal first from within, and then each other. And I feel more passionately than ever that it doesn’t take a grand gesture, it’s the mini-rebellion to the status quo. It’s asking for what you need, it’s about connection to other women and it is our “hell yes” mindset to wanting a full life.
Your homework this week is to go out and support, help or care for a women who needs it.
It can be the smallest act that makes the biggest difference.
If you have a chance to check it out next year, the https://wnorthconnect.com