Have you heard of this new health craze? CELERY JUICE is the hot new health trend that I had to try for myself. I tried drinking celery juice for 7 days and here’s what happened.
There are so many people on this trend and a quick google search will show that it’s healed so many from gut issues, cancer, bloating, cravings, improves skin, energy and more! I mean, it’s literally saving the world lol.
But I’ve been in this health scene for long enough now to know that trends come and go. So this post is only a recount of my experience with this miracle tonic. I always encourage you to do your own homework and if this is something you really want to try, you should! It’s fairly cheap if you make your own and can’t do any harm so give er a go:)
First let’s back up and learn why it’s said to be the miracle juice and why I decided to give it a real go before either recommending it or dismissing it.
- ANTI-INFLAMMATORY. There are 2 powerful anti-inflammatory compounds in celery, polyacetylene and luteolin. We all know that inflammation is the root cause of many problems such as arthritis, heart disease, cancer and alzheimers to name a few. These tow compounds are shown to significantly reduce inflammation in the tissues and fight free radical damage.
- BLOOD PURIFIER. “Celery contains a particular compound called coumarins which promotes the activity of white blood cells and assists the vascular system. This helps the bloodflow, reduces blood pressure and purifies the bloodstream.” Food Matters So ultra cleansing and detoxifying is what they are saying:)
- REDUCE BLOATING. Probably the biggest enticement for me and a real issue for so many of us. The celery juice goes to work in your gut and helps with mold, yeast and other nasty overgrowths in our gut.
- MENTAL CLARITY. This a claim that as a curious scientist.. I haven’t been able to find good data on. I always do my research and there isn’t much supporting this but I can assume that when your gut is healthy so is your brain. I also imagine that the electrolytes and the hydration it provides help the brain function properly.
After reading all of the benefits, you might be ready to go out and purchase your 10lbs of organic celery, but hear me out…
After a full week of chugging this green juice first thing in the morning on a empty stomach, I didn’t notice ONE SINGLE DIFFERENCE!
No major detox symptoms, no cleansing effects, no decrease in bloating, no increase in energy and… after a week of celery juice, I came down with my first cold of the year!
Over time, I’ve adapted and added new habits and foods that I DO notice help me feel my best like when I added bone broth and collagen, when I started drinking warm water lemon water in the am, when I discovered Pravin’s iron supplement and when I ended my day with triphala. But celery juice? NADA
I also have to say that it’s a lot of work to prepare, a lot of cleaning the juicer (my least favourite thing to do in the world) and not a very pleasant way to start your day. I usually have 16 ounces of warm lemon water with a pinch of sea salt in the am to re-hydrate me and provide me with some vitamins and electrolytes which I love. I also enjoy a green juice or smoothie every day so I do ensure I get my greens, it’s a non-negotiable. So perhaps that’s why I didn’t notice any big chances nor am I going to stress over this one thing not working for me.
Not to say that it wasn’t working on a deeper cellular level but as far as I could tell, I didn’t feel one bit different after my week of #celeryjuice.
If you want to try this trend for healing and improving your health (or you’re simply curious like I was), follow this routine:
- Every morning, drink roughly 16 ounces of celery juice on an empty stomach. Make sure it’s fresh, plain celery juice with no other ingredients. Simply wait at least 15 minutes after drinking your celery juice before consuming anything else.
- Use organic celery whenever possible as celery is on the dirty dozen. If you’re using conventional celery, be sure to wash it especially well before juicing.
- Be mindful as your day goes on to see if you notice any improvements or positive effects.
Let me know how you feel if you decide to go ahead and give it a try!