Tis the season for germs
Fall is in the air, our kids are back in school, and our schedules are jam-packed. Most of us feel rejuvenated in the fall and it is a great time to start new projects. Unfortunately, it’s also a time when many of us come down with colds or flu (myself included!).
This past Thanksgiving was brutal for me. I had almost forgotten what it was like to be sick until I was stricken with a sore chest, a stuffed up nose, headaches, body aches, and hot-cold shivers. I tried to carry on but eventually I did something that is really difficult for me: I surrendered to my body and JUST RESTED! I am always telling you to listen to your body but when it’s my own body talking to me, sometimes I forget my own advice.
Prevention is best
Of course, the best thing to do about colds and flu is to avoid getting them in the first place, so here are some tips that will help you do that:
EAT WELL. Yes, you knew I would say it, but eating a well-balanced diet with loads of fruits and veggies is important for building immunity. Foods that help boost your immunity are:
-Fruits and vegetables. Choose the ones that are loaded with Vitamin C, like oranges, apples, broccoli, sweet potatoes and leafy greens.
-Garlic. Add it raw to hummus, salad dressings and guacamole or cook with it in sauces and stir-fry’s.
-Ginger and turmeric. Slice it up and have it with hot water, lemon and honey.
-Soups. Chicken soup or vegetable soups are warming, comforting and easy to digest. Plus you can load them up with all your favourite veggies and spices.
IMPROVE YOUR GUT HEALTH. One thing that not everyone knows is how important you gut health is to staying healthy. When you have an abundance of good bacteria in your gut, it’s harder for the pathogenic bacteria, that come with a cold or flu, to take hold. Taking probiotics and eating fermented foods help the body to produce certain vitamins that help keep our immune system strong to fight off those yucky viruses.
EXERCISE. This seems counterintuitive but yes, getting exercise actually helps build your immune system and make you stronger. I am not talking about running a marathon if you start to feel a cold coming on, but moving your body and getting your heart rate up improves your circulation and helps fight off those germs.
SLEEP. Sleep deprivation is no joke. It can mess with your hormones which in turn can lead to weight gain, crankiness and yes, a weakened immune system. Start winding down after dinner and aim to get eight hours of sleep every night. If you feel tired during the day, take a power nap! I am a big fan of the power nap, I turn a quick show on for the girls and retreat to my room and set my timer for 30 minutes. BAM, 100% better!
PRACTISE MINDFULNESS. How many of you have fallen ill right before a big move, or the start of a new job? (I am raising my hand while I type). Stress and tension can wreak havoc on your body and mind. Not only does stress mess with our hormones, it can also can a good night’s sleep. So take a few minutes every day to slow down and perhaps try some breathing exercises or a gentle yoga/meditation class to ease stress and allow yourself to decompress.
But what if you get sick anyway?
Even if you work hard to avoid catching anything, sometimes you get sick anyway. Here are some tips to help you get better faster:
DRINK. Make sure you drink lots of fluids! Drinking juice, water, tea, or soup (recipe to soup) will help you stay hydrated and help move the virus through your system faster.
ADD SALT. If you have a sore throat, gargle salt water for 30 seconds several times a time. If you have sinus pain, use a saline spray or a Neti pot to help clear out the mucus and help reduce the pressure in your head.
ADD GINGER. If you are nauseous, sip on ginger tea. Ginger really is a super fighter when it comes to a virus attack so get your hands or some fresh ginger and add it to all your drinks.
TAKE SOME DOWN TIME. Do not try and be superwoman. Give yourself permission to take the day off and stay in bed and rest. I struggle with this. I try to push through the day at half speed only to prolong my illness. By resting we allow our bodies to do their work to fight off illness.
TRY A REMEDY. I prefer to stick to natural remedies for cold and flu prevention and treatment, but if I really need to, I take something like Advil Cold and Sinus. This controls my symptoms but it also makes me feel a bit loopy. Many people find that essential oils can also help prevent and treat colds and the flu. DoTerra makes On Guard, an essential oil blend that is formulated to support healthy immune function with wild orange, clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus and rosemary.
What’s your favourite remedy? Everyone has a remedy that they swear by, whether it’s zinc, echinacea or oil of oregano. I would love to know what your favourite remedies are.