It’s Valentine’s Day and I wanted to share a big love lesson I have learned from 12 years of blissful marriage:)
One of my biggest lessons on how to show up as my best self in my life is to be devotional to all things instead of transactional. Life isn’t all about getting what’s yours or using other people to fulfil your need for love, comfort, worth or security, You need to cultivate those in yourself first. You need to devote the time, energy and love into your own self first and foremost.
Also you need to give and be devotional to your partner/kids/loved ones no matter what. This evokes them into their best selves. Have you ever been generous with your love and attention without any expectation of getting anything in return? This kind of devotional love feeds and nourishes any and every kind of relationship you may be in.
True spiritual practice requires us to love when there is no guarantee of a energetic exchange, to trust when we are scared shitless to reveal our vulnerable open heart, and to lead when we are exhausted and ready to give up.
And to get to a place where you are able to do this, you need to love yourself so damn much or else you will get depleted. You need to strengthen your nervous system to be able to move this loving energy through your body, to be able to give without burning out and to be at the same vibration as creation itself. It’s a beautiful place to strive to get to. It’s been a big part of my and Travis’s kundalini practice and the “work” we do as a couple and our own personal development.
“It is 100% your responsibility to take care of yourself so that you can heal, improve and expand the relationships you are in right now. The rewards of taking this stand are life-changing. You will consistently surprise yourself with the creativity, warmth, and generosity you are capable of sustaining. Your self-esteem will swell as no one benefits like the person who gives without expectation. In so doing, you will evoke the very best your loved ones have to offer in every moment.” John Wineland
To be a more powerful, magnetic woman who is rooted in her own self-worth, then the way you relate matters. So always choose devotional love in this transactional world:)
Love is a verb, an expression of energy. Keep loving fiercely my goddess’s.