Summer is just around the corner and the days are getting longer, which makes this a good time to amp up and change up our training routines. Our bodies respond better when we vary our exercise so along with following your regular workout calendar, get outside and do some of the other things you love, like running, biking or stand-up paddle boarding.
Here are some tips for fitting in extra daily movement:
- GET UP EARLIER and exercise outside before going to work. Head out and watch the sunrise! This is the perfect time for practising mindfulness and setting a positive tone to your day. I live at the base of Quarry Rock, a very popular hike in Deep Cove. To be up there at 6:30 to watch the sun come up is inspiring.
- GO TO WORK EARLIER so you have more time for lunch or after work exercise. The sun is rising around 6:20 so get up and get out there before the rest of the world wakes up. Once your work is done you can use the extra time to fit in a workout or a walk. And you’ll still have time to cook a healthy dinner.
- DO THINGS IN THE EVENING. With the longer daylight hours, doing things in the evening is more inviting. Driving to a spin class in the pouring rain in the dark isn’t always how I want to spend my evenings, but now that it’s light out I am more open to getting out to a class. My Bootcamp in the Park has started up every Monday night up in Pemberton Heights so make sure to come and sweat it out with a wonderful group of ladies (and me!).
- TAKE A WALK! If you don’t feel like going to a fitness class or you live where that’s not an option, head out for a walk after dinner. Walking has more benefits than just burning calories. It’s a great way to reduce stress, practice mindfulness, connect with nature and give your metabolism a little extra kick. An evening walk will also keep you from sitting on the couch watching TV or sneaking back into the kitchen. So after dinner is cleaned up, shut down the kitchen and head out (with your family or solo) for a 30-minute walk around your neighbourhood.
- MAKE SURE YOU GET ENOUGH SLEEP. We are re-charged by the sun and we feel more vibrant and energized by the extra exercise but we still need our sleep. My sleep patterns are affected by the extra daylight hours so I have to be sure to keep up with my nighttime ritual of turning off electronics, sleeping in a dark cool room and making sure the lights are off by 10:30 pm.
So take your expanded fitness routine day by day and fit in what you can when you can. If you track your progress in a journal I guarantee that a month from now, when you look back, you’ll be proud of how far you’ve come.
Enjoy the sunshine!!!