I’m excited to announce my newest offering- Master Your Mind with 7 Days of Meditation, a 7 video guide with 7 different FREE meditation styles so you can sample and learn which one feels best for you!
The most powerful practice you should be doing for energy, happiness and inner peace has nothing to do with hard work, or getting sweaty… the most powerful healing, pain reducing, stress busting, mood enhancing, divine connecting practice is meditation.
One of the most common questions I get asked is “but how do I even start a meditation practice anyways?”.. Or here’s another common one ” I can’t meditate, my mind won’t shut up”… then followed by “I tried meditating and nothing happened.”. I understand that there are misconceptions, barriers and perhaps a unwillingness to meditate which is why I created this 7 days of meditation. Not only will it help you get started, but it will also show you 7 different styles of meditation in hopes that you connect with a few of them. My goal is to make it accessible and have you feeling the positive benefits of this beautiful practice.
By now you’ve most likely heard of the many reasons WHY meditation is so healing and needed in our stress inducing, busy lives but allow me to recap a few key benefits.
- Sharpens the mind and boosts cognitive function
- Reduces stress in the body
- Clears the mind of worry, fog and clutter
- Creates a deeper connection to the divine and the Universal source from which we were created
- Evokes our best selves
- Clears trauma and negative thought patterns from our psyche
- is anti-aging
- restful and restorative
- develops our intuition and allows us to listen to our inner wisdom
- helps you show up to your life with awareness and grace
Meditation is no longer a luxury, it is a necessity. There is mounting evidence that meditation is the antidote to the extreme pressure and stress in our lives. And it’s FREE.
“Meditation is the art of breaking habits, to purify the mind and to take care of day-to-day things.” -Yogi Bhajan
I believe now is the time to start a meditation practice, one that nourishes you, one that makes you feel whole and holy. Be the lighthouse for those around you by committing to your own personal development and feel the love trickly to those around you.
Meditating isn’t just for you, it’s for humanity. that is why I created this video series, to get you started on your beautiful (albeit sometimes messy, hard, painful) journey to your highest most authentic self.
Start with Day 1. Show up with an open heart and clear mind. Get out of your own way and allow grace and joy to wash over you. Continue to show up for 7 days and take stock. How does it feel to make peace in your mind for just 10 minutes a day?
I hope you love this video series as much as I loved making it for you. Please share with everyone you know.