I’ve been in full swing with training my clients, creating content for FIT CLUB and finishing up my 200 hr Meditation Teacher Training! Yet, it’s important for me to have A Mindful Monday to start my week off right.
Spring has been a mixed bag for weather here in Vancouver so I have had a lot of rainy days of contemplation where I abandon the mindset of doing and days that are all about “getting shit done”!
I have found that balance in my work, life, and health as always been hard to strike but as I make a conscious effort to bring mindfulness into every moment, I find the balance comes with more ease.
A typical Monday for me looks like this:
DRINK: Lots of water, elixirs with my healing medicinal mushrooms, and green detoxifying smoothies.
WORK: I teach 2 groups of private personal training groups in the morning and work on my blog, emails and writing in the afternoon.
MOM LIFE: I help get the kids off to and from school plus take them to their after school activities. In the evening we all hang out and do yoga together, read together or just chat as a family.
FOOD: Loaded oats for breakfast, avocado and hummus on rice crackers for lunch and a warming butternut lentil soup for dinner. Pretty simple really, I just eat intuitively with the season and my energy levels. Some days it’s a lot of raw veggies, some days it’s soup:)
READ: I am currently reading Shantaram and will be sad when I am done, it’s been such a journey into India and the age old question, who is the judge of right and wrong and what is our purpose in this life.
LISTEN: Listening to chill music has been one of my favourite new ways to combat anxiety and help me stay in a flow state when working on the computer. I like this playlist DEEP FOCUS
ALLOW: I allow space and time to do nothing. This is separate from my time reading and meditating. I allow space and time for my mind to wander, my thoughts to pass and my emotions to come and go. It can be hard to do and not reach for the phone or clean something. But I have been loving my daydreaming time.
MEDITATE: I meditate once in the afternoon around 2pm and once again at night before bed. My mid-day mediation is a mini-nap that helps me with clarity, creativity and balance. My evening meditation allows me to connect with my soul, train the mind, and be one with the universe.
REST: I go to be early after a long day. I turn off all the blue light on my devices at 8pm and put the phone away at 9pm. I like to journal right before I go to bed to unload any lasting stress and to express gratitude for another day around the sun.
Of course, I try not to be too rigid with my routines and instead go with the flow if needed. I use to get thrown off when my day went sideways but I feel more resilient now that I have detached from how my day “should” go and instead just ride the wave of the day:)