We all have busy schedules…. I know some days I feel more crazed than others. I find that these days, we tend to pack so much into each that we rarely have a moment to sit down and catch our breath.
That is why I believe we need to add meditation to our list of to do’s.
But that’s just one more thing on top of my already hectic day your thinking:)
What you don’t realize is that by adding meditiation to your day, your are getting back so much more peace, focus, calm and quiet. Trust me it’s a win win.
Let me tell you why.
Meditation trains your mind to focus on the present, which can help you stay calm and handle those daily stresses.
The health benefits of meditation are reduced anxiety, boosted memory, improved heart rate and increased attention span. A growing body of scientific research shows that meditation is extremely good for your well being
But again, how are we suppose to find the time when we are already so busy?
What I have learned is that if we need to make the time to meditate, not everyday (although that would be best), but even just finding 10 minutes 3 times a week can be enough.
A seated meditation is still the best way to still your mind and transcend your body. Not to sound to yogi on you but it’s truly all about the inward reflection that creates the calm and helps bring you closer to a quiet mind. This is what we are aiming to achieve, peace and quiet, right?!
How to get started
Sit comfortably. Close your eyes, and look inward. If your mind feels like it is being pulled in a million directions then just observe the craziest of it all. Eventually your thoughts will come and go without you becoming to attached to them. It might not feel like your doing it right, but just like anything it takes practice!
From my own experience, I needed to focus on my breath and a yoga mantra to stay focused for more than one minute, then one minute turned into 5 and now I can sit and “meditate” for 15 mins uninterrupted. A big win for someone who can’t usually sit still and is on the move constantly.
Know you’re not able to sit still? You can try “moving meditation”, which is where you try to achieve the same blissed out feeling while on the move.
Very similar to a seated meditation in the fact that you are trying to still the mind and focus on the present moment. You can go for a slow walk (in nature preferably), swim slow laps in the pool, ride your bike in a traffic calmed area or even practice during your barre/pilates/yoga class. Obviously we don’t start with shutting our eyes:), but we DO connect to the rhythm of our breath and movement. Make sure to leave your phone at home and leave yourself at least 30 minutes to find that zenned out feeling.
“A meditative pilates practice happens when your breath and energy are synchronized in a way that facilitates ease in the body” Corey Zopich
AH…. Love that quote. SO whether you have tried it in the past with no success or think it’s not for you, I strongly encourage you to give it a go!