If you’re on Instagram, you’ve seen lots of your friends “top nine”. I did my own version picking my highlights of moments that meant a lot to me, you can see them HERE. And all though this year hasn’t been all highlights…I do look back on it with great pride in seeing how much I grew, accomplished and the love I have cultivated for myself.
But what the highlight reel doesn’t show is the huge amount of darkness I had to go through to get to the light on the other end. As they say, you don’t grow in your comfort zone. NOPE, I had to go inwards to the places I didn’t necessarily like or want to revisit.
The shadow is a term coined by psychologist Carl Jung, and it refers to our deepest wounds. The wounds that have us believing we’re flawed, unlovable, undeserving people. For me it’s also the parts of me that I feel shame and guilt around.
When left to fester in our subconscious, these shadows dictate our potential. It’s as simple as that. You will never be able to step into your full authentic power without doing some sort of shadow work.
In doing this work learned a lot about my blocks and really developed a deeper sense of compassion towards myself. Nothing I did in my past was bad… I was just doing the best I could in my limited self worth.
I’m not going to share to much as it’s deeply personal work, but I do encourage you to look inwards at any self-limiting beliefs or places that you feel stuck or blocked. This is where your shadows lie.
Through meditation, journaling, kundalini and women’s work, I have been ablate strengthen my nervous system to be able to handle the pains of the past. What results from going through this work is pure love. The process can be quite painful and for me, really sad. I would go through periods of self-loathing for all the time I wasted playing small, living in fear and allowing my low self-esteem and insecure self rule my life. There were some dark times in my life. But what I can’t deny is that I have grown into a beautiful, confident women and everything I went through has brought me to this point.
I truly love who I am now. I give less fucks, I honour my self, I value each moment and my ability to love is much greater. Many of my relationships are better and the ones that weren’t serving me have fallen away.
As I look back at 2018, I see real change. No I don’t look or seem that different, but man, watch out 2019, a brave new empowered me is ready to rise.
If you are interested in doing some of this work, I highly recommend my 12 week online program THE POWER PROJECT. It’s a self-study program but we are going through it as a group starting January 7th.