With the kind of flu season we’ve had, I wanted to share my wellness hacks for staying healthy. It’s been a rough flu season around here in North Vancouver (as it always seems to be) but what’s different this year is that I actually managed to avoid it and just had a few days of feeling lousy with a cold.
This is a big win for me. Normally I get hit hard, my kids bring home the flu and I’m the one who really suffers from it.
So what’s different this year? I took my health and immune health seriously! I have been diligent about several things this year and have added a few new hacks that have made this winter my healthiest winter EVER!
I have always been health conscious, but as we know, it sometimes isn’t enough and we need extra support with supplements, diet and routines that go beyond to keep us healthy and vibrant.
Let me share with you my wellness hacks that have really proven to be worth it!

1. Medicinal mushrooms.
I discovered medicinal mushrooms last year when I was quitting wine and suffering from anxiety and terrible gut health. I had heard on a podcast that reishi was a great mushroom for healing gut and reducing anxiety so I thought I would give it a try. I would have my reishi tea at night in place of a glass of wine and it left me feeling chill and relaxed. After about a month I really noticed that I felt better and that it was helping with my anxiety. I thendecided to try all the different medicinal mushrooms and discovered their unique healing properties.
These powerful foods boost the immune system and support many of our systems (ex; digestion, brain health, hormones and energy). I’m now officially hooked on shrooms! I use lions mane, cordyceps, and chaga daily in my matcha, as my afternoon pick me up and at night to help me relax.
I was posting about my Four Sigmatic mushrooms and how much they helped my healing so much that I become an affiliate for them and help spread the word, (which I was doing anyway). So now I can offer you guys a discount if you are interested in trying them out. Just use BENATURALLYFIT as a coupon code to receive 10% your order at Four Sigmatic
I have written newsletters and blog posts about this in the past. I actually swam in the ocean almost every day until mid-December and felt super-charged because of it! It started getting too cold so I switched to cold showers to continue the positive effects of cold therapy.
Cold showers are a great practice for glandular health, reducing inflammation, boosting immunity and transforming your mood. If you are in a funk, try a 3 minute cold shower, you will hate it at first but it literally changes you into a high spirited, energized person in a moment. I am still trying to get my ladies in Fit Club on board, I know, it’s a hard sell:)

Bedtime routines aren’t just for kids, we as adults need to have one as well and stick to it! Did you know that sleep is the number one way to regulate your hormones, boost immunity and repair your body? It’s where the magic stuff happens. I highly suggest creating a bedtime routine and making it a priority.
My bedtime routine is quite extensive and has become a calming, grounding habit that really makes me feel good and nourished. It has also really helped me stay healthy this year.
I start with shutting down the kitchen after dinner. (Snacking before bedtime is a bad idea. For a million reasons, I’m telling ya, time to quit those late night trips to the kitchen.) Around 8 o’clock I turn off al the electronics in the house, no more TV for the kids, no more iPads or phones. We dime the lights and start to wind down. I practice my kundalini yoga + breath work and then meditate for about 30 mins (sometimes with the kids, sometimes by myself) then finish with 2-5 minutes of journaling. This sequence calms my nervous system, gets me out of my head and into my body and slows down my monkey mind.
I’m in bed by 9:15 pm every night and will read or chat with Travis about our day. lights off by 10 at the latest.
I also have been consistent with using essential oils (I love DoTerra’s On Guard and Frankincense), have been taking my Pranin vitamins every day, don’t drink alcohol or coffee anymore, eat very little sugar, and go for monthly colonics. My health is so important to me and I’m always open to trying new modalities and hacks to see if they help or if they aren’t for me. For example, I have tried liquid fasting and juice cleanses and they aren’t for me. I never feel any better so instead just enjoy fresh pressed juice when I am craving it.
Getting into a rhythm that supports your health and immunity is all about finding practices that make you feel good and continue to do them. I always recommend that you really give something a go by sticking to it for a whole month before accessing whether or not it’s moving the dial.
I would love to know, what wellness hacks do you love?