It’s day 6 of my Whole 30 challenge and I’m feeling surprisingly energized, vibrant and focused! The Whole 30 challenge is something totally new to me and I wanted to share some of the reasons I felt like I needed a change, and why I choose the Whole 30 challenge as my catalyst to improved health, digestion and food enjoyment.
“The Whole 30 is like pushing a reset button with your health, your habits and your relationship with food”. – Melissa Hartwig
The premise is that certain foods (yes even healthy foods) can have a negative impact on your health. During your Whole 30, you eliminate foods that promote unhealthy cravings, disrupt your metabolism, damage your digestive tract, and burden your immune system. It also helps heal your relationship with food by changing the way you look at food and the ways it can be used for comfort, reward or to escape your current reality. And it’s seriously some tough love! You have to do the protocol exactly to the T with no slip-ups or you have you start your 30 days all over again.
- No sugar. No maple syrup, honey, agave, coconut sugar, artificial sugars and even no stevia! This is to slay your Sugar Dragon:)
- No alcohol. Not a problem for me as I celebrate my 16 months sober:)!!!!
- No grains. No oats, wheat, barley, quinoa, millet, corn, and even the pseudo grains like amaranth and buckwheat.
- No beans and legumes. No chickpeas, beans of any kind, lentils, soy and peanuts. The no soy also means no soy products like tofu, tempeh, mis, soy sauce or anything containing soy.
- No dairy. Easy for me as I have been dairy free for over 15 years.
- No carrageenan, msg or added sulphites.
- No baked goods (even if they are made with avocado and bananas) the point is to change your habits!
- No scale. It’s attract rule not to weigh yourself the entire month.
- Fruits including bananas, mangos, and even dried fruit is ok.
- Veggies except corn. So lots of leafy greens, starchy veg for carbs, and everything I can get my hands on:)
- Meat. I will be having turkey, chicken and fish. I still can’t imagine eating red meat or pork so won’t be including them although they are on the list.
- Nuts and Seeds. Thank goodness, most days I feel like a squirrel. Hemp hearts, chia, almonds, pumpkin seeds and walnuts have been added to my breakfasts, salads and provide me with healthy fats and protein.
- Healthy Fats. Avocados, quality olive oil, coconut oil, coconut yogurt, tahini and MCT oil are all on the list.
- No making desserts with Whole30 approved ingredients. Even if you make brownies out of avocado, banana and cacao, it’s still a dessert. Also no pancakes, even the banana-egg pancakes!
- No weighing yourself. The goal is to listen to your body instead of fixate yourself on the number on the scale. I want to be honest that I still don’t have the healthiest relationship with my scale so this will be good for me.
- No counting calories. Instead build a balanced plate EVERY TIME. They really want you to have one source of carbs, one source of healthy fats and some protein on every plate.
To me, this decision is a conscious one, one that I have thought over for a long time.
I just haven’t been thriving on my diet filled with beans, grains and legumes lately. Last winter despite my meditation, my self-care, and my well-balanced, clean vegan diet, I lacked energy I knew was available to me. I honestly just know intuitively it’s time for a change.
I started by adding bone broth and increasing my fish consumption and immediately felt better. This, plus a lot of soul searching and listening to my body has brought me to where I am at today. I will be only buying from local, organic farmers who raise happy and healthy animals.
Let’s get to the real talk… I honestly thought this was going to be the hardest month of my life (I know, I’m a bit of a drama queen) but so far it has been completely do-able, and even enjoyable.
I have always been a meal planner so the only change is in the foods I am planning. I am eating more salad, veggies and fruits now that I grains, beans and legumes are off the table. I am eating big healthy meals and really don’t feel the need to have a treat after dinner because of the balanced approach. The fresh food is making me feel lighter, both emotionally and physical. And the small amounts of meat I have been eating everyday aren’t causing any digestion issues! I actually feel like my digestion in on point.
And my athletic performance hasn’t suffered like they said it might and I really think it’s because I’m eating so much high quality foods! I have actually biked up Mt. Seymour and done the Grouse Grind and have energy to spare.
I will be writing another blog post at the end of my challenge to update you all on the final results! Until then, if you want to know more or have any questions, you can check out the Whole30 website or send me an email:)