Back to school, back to business with my 8 week progressive trail run and strength clinic training you to comfortably run a 10 km run. The spring and summer run series were such huge success (and so much fun) that I am excited to announce we will be conitnuing into the fall and you are invited to join us!
Many of you know my love of fitness actually started on the road with running. Aside from dancing, my number one outlet for my endless energy was running. I was running 10 km races competitively in grade 9. Running was always a cheap and sure fire way to feel good.
I want to offer the women of North Vancouver a fun opportunity to get out, run, work on strength and be outside in NATURE. This series will have us running in the beautiful trails of Mt. Seymour and the Demonstration Forest in Lynn Valley.
This series is perfect for you if you can already run a 5 km comfortably but would like to progress your running endurance and skills with a amazing group of local women. I know that the best part for me has been watching all the ladies become friends, feel so empowered by their progress and for many, feel their strongest ever since having kids.
WHERE: I will be emailing out the trail head at which we start the Friday before every run. On Wednesday, we will meet at my house (I will send over the address when you sign up) for a road run which will include training drills (not as scary as it sounds).
WHEN: Every Saturday 8-9am (some days may go 15-30 mins longer) and Wednesday 7-8pm.
STARTING: SATURDAY Sept 7th and running rain or shine for 8 weeks.
COST: $150
Etransfer to rebecca@benaturally.fit or bring cash to our first session:)
If you know someone who lives in the North Vancouver area and wants to get out and work on their fitness and also have some fun, please send them this link! THANK YOU.
If you have any questions or concerns, email me at rebecca@benaturally.fit.