I absolutely love summer but this summer is especially meaningful to me because my winter was plagued with anxiety and health issues. Over this past winter and spring, I learned to turn inwards for self-healing in the form of a meditation practice that nourishes me, helps calm my anxiety and has led me to true self-love. I am much wiser, spiritual and more at peace than I was a year ago: as I write this post, my eyes are welling up with tears because I am realizing how far I have come.
This summer I want to deepen my spiritual practice so I made a list of what my goals and intentions are. This list looks a lot different than the ones I have made for past summers and I’m excited to get to work on it.
ALIGN MY LIFE. As Rebecca Campbell says “In order to thrive in a big way, we must align our lives, so that all pieces flow in vibrational harmony.” I want my thoughts, actions and words to match my goals, core beliefs and emotions. I will try not to hide when I feel sad, I will not make myself small when I feel worthy and I will follow what lights me up. I will be the same person at work, as a mom, on social media and as a friend. I know this sounds like a big task but I will work on it a little at a time, every day.
- WORK MY LIGHT. I realize that by sharing my story, I am being of service to the world. I have a gift for helping to inspire women to find happiness with fitness and healthy habits and I want to do more to show up for this calling.
- DEEPEN MY SPIRITUALITY. I now have a consistent meditation practice but I want to go further. I will take the second level of Meditation Teacher Training so that I can learn more about the science of meditation. I will continue to show up, on my mat, every single day, to listen to my heart and my intuition, and I will always turn inwards for guidance. Gone are the days of seeking approval and acceptance from others. I know I am enough.
- BE PRESENT. In order to enjoy this summer and all if has to offer, I will be present with my kids, with my friends and my husband, with the cold ocean water, with the warm summer sun and with evenings of reading on my deck. I will not let the stress of day-to-day concerns distract me and bog me down.
This summer, I hope that you will be able you to listen to your inner guide and connect with nature, yourself and your loved ones. And I hope you will share your intentions with me as we move through these beautiful summer days. If you wold like to know more about my mindfulness practice, I have blogged about it here and here🙂
If inviting mindfulness and meditation into your life is something you are interested in, consider joining my https://www.benaturally.fit/fit-club/. Its not just about food and fitness:) We talk a whole lot of mindset as well.