For all my cosmic, modern day mystics out there… get ready ’cause this Wednesday is a big one! It’s the Spring Equinox on March 20th and a FULL MOON! How powerful is that eh?!
For thousands of years, human beings have celebrated on the this day of equal light and darkness.
The Equinox is a very important yogic event that is used to:
- amplify your intentions
- provides heightened energy
- build intuitive clarity.
Stack the powers of the full moon on top of that and you have a super charged day to propel your goals and reach a new level of heightened consciousness.
You may already be feeling a wave of emotions or the need to just “DO SOMETHING”. Perhaps you’ve been wanting to create something new and shift the direction of some aspect in your life.. With Spring, it’s the time of rebirth and renewed light (literally) in all areas of our being. Say yes to opportunities while seeking balance and harmony. Mother Nature is showing us the balance of darkness and light so let’s be inspired by the natural cycles of Mother Earth.
I have a few ways for you to partake and use the energy of this cosmic window.
- Take time to reflect and be clear.
- Yes, MEDITATE!! Now is the perfect time to sit and drop into your body.
- Follow the breath.
- Go for a walk in nature, alone, without your phone.
- Go outside and look up at the moon. Then… feel a deep sense of gratitude. Gratitude for your challenges as they are your biggest teachers. Gratitude for your short comings, for your strengths, for the abundance in your life.
- And show up for yourself. If nothing else, wake up on Wednesday with an intention to show up as your best self, ALL DAY. Even when you get triggered, even if it’s hard. Seek out the light, the positive, the beauty in life.
And I have a special practice for you to do that will help propel your growth and transformation. Why not head into Spring with a clear mind and renewed capacity to experience MORE! More inner strength, wisdom and courage to be your best self!
Are you ready to kick it up to high gear?
This kundalini kris is named after the sun-surya. When you have a lot of SUN energy, you are expressive, energetic and ready to step up and take on the challenges of life. It purifies your aura, clears the mind and stimulates the panic force of kundalini energy.
**NOTE— I filmed a beautiful video for you here in Costa Rica but the internet was too slow to upload it! 🙁 So for now I am sharing this video I found. I still highly encourage you do this full set:) I will be uploading mine as soon as I can!
K let’s go get mystical and up level:)