This will be my 4th year hosting a SUGAR FREE CHALLENGE! Every year I love teaching so many women to develop long-term, easy sugar-free habits AND seeing how great they feel after ditching the white stuff!
I developed this challenge after reading the book Body Ecology by Donna Gates. I learned about the harmful effects that sugar has on our health and mental wellbeing. It’s actually scary to learn about how we have been manipulated by the food manufactures to the point where our culture is addicted to sugar and overweight because of it.
But this challenge isn’t a scare tactic or diet! It’s a reset and a learning opportunity. It’s me sharing what I’ve learned over the past 4 years in studying nutrition, gut health and mindset. You will be supported with an easy-to-follow day-to-day calendar, recipes for the whole family to enjoy and workouts… ’cause that’s what I do!
You will learn about how sugar affects our hormones, our mood, our energy levels, our cravings and our waistline. This challenge is also a chance to reset your palate to be able to enjoy the natural sweetness of real whole foods like squash, apples and berries.
I love hosting this challenge so much that I decided to revamp it with all new workouts, new recipes and some bonus material like a yoga practice and meditation! All designed to support you and to make it fun and fresh for those of you who haven’t done sugar-free with us before. Not only do you get to go through this challenge with an amazing, committed group of like minded peeps, you also will own the material for life so you can revisit it at anytime you need a little cleanse or reset.
The purpose of this challenge is to encourage you to be more conscious of what you are consuming, how you are consuming it and why it matters. It’s so much more than just another sugar free challenge and I’ve put a lot of love into everything that comes with it.
You will leave this challenge with new skills on how to prepare your food with less sugar, how to eat more mindfully, how to heal your gut and perhaps have a new favourite sugar free recipe to add to your repertoire.
I’ll be there every step of the way to help you through the sugar withdrawl symptoms, help you curb your cravings, balance your blood sugar and what to do if an emergency hungry episode arises (yup, a beautifully messy part of going sugar free is the emotional changes that hit you when you were least expecting it!).
I know it’s easy to say you’re too busy or that you don’t need a sugar free challenge as you already eat healthy, but trust me when I say the results from completing this challenge are life long! Many of my clients who have gone through this program report back that it fundamentally shifted the way they eat and helped them create long-lasting changes in the way they prepare food. This challenge is for everyone and anyone who wants to live life to their fullest and role model health habits to their kids and family. It starts with you!