The All-or-Nothing Mindset
Have you ever set out to achieve something only to have your method backfire and leave you worse off?
Two examples:
- You want to run a half-marathon so to prepare you go running every day. Then, a month before the race, not only are you depleted and burnt out but you also have a nagging injury that has blossomed into enough pain that you either have to stop the crazy training or even worse, not run in the race?
- You want to lose 10 lbs for your trip to Mexico in four months so you start dieting and restricting calories. After a few weeks you feel like you need a treat but you go overboard and binge on treats. Then you proceed to roller-coater your way until four months have passed and instead of losing the weight and being excited about your trip, there hasn’t been a budge on the scale and you are beating yourself up.
Why didn’t either of these techniques work?
Unfortunately you got caught in the all-or-nothing mindset: you set up impossible rules and then pushed yourself non-stop. This all or nothing way of reaching our goals usually backfires because it isn’t a sustainable (or happy) way to live.
The way to succeed in reaching our goals is to build small do-able habits that help us reach our longer-term goals. Let me share with you some surprising tactics that may seem counterintuitive but will help you reach that finish line happy, healthy and better for it:)
Stop focusing on the goal itself
Dig deep and figure out why you want to achieve a goal. You’re more likely to be motivated and to stay the course when you know your true reason for doing something. Now you can set up small steps that align with your true motivation. Plus, knowing why you are doing something will help keep you going days that you take a few steps backward. Because that happens! When we get too focused on the end goal, we often do things that don’t align with our core beliefs.
Embrace “almost”
Sometimes, we get so close to reaching our goals, but then life throws a curve ball and BAM, we get set back. This is disappointing, but the lessons we learned to get “almost” there are valuable! Don’t write off the experience as a total loss. You got so close so now use that drive to complete you goal even if it takes longer or if you need a new game plan.
Which leads to my next point . . .
Be adaptable, even if it means losing plan A
So you got yourself injured by overtraining for that 10k run and you’re bummed—I get it, I’ve been there. Why not sign up for the 8k trail run that happens the next month? If you keep your mind open to other possibilities, you will be able to take what you have learned and work towards a new goal—a goal that might be even better than the original one! It won’t always be smooth sailing so don’t spend time feeling disappointed in yourself when you could be trying something else.
Losing the all-or-nothing mentality will help us be healthier, happier individuals more than trying to be perfect.
There is no straight line to success. I hope this blog post allows you to relax a little about where you are right now in your pursuit of your dreams.
Whether you are day 1 or have been at it for years, take a look at your approach and identify any strict rules or restrictions that are causing you grief and ultimately holding you back. Lose them, practice staying consistent with the things that are working for you and the trust the process.