THE POWER PROJECT, my first online program is ready for anyone who is looking to create a positive shift in their health!
My flagship 12-week program, The Power Project, is now a self-study program open for everyone to learn from! This 3-month training program takes everything I know and delivers it in an online, go-at-your-own-pace course. The goal is less mental energy on all the conflicting information out there and more focus on the practices that work in optimizing your health!
You will get my best workouts, nutrition advice and mindset practices and will learn how to show -up and be accountable through the journalling activities provided.
This program is ideal for the women who want simple, yet effective education on a balanced approach to feeling powerful in your body.
The Power Tools you will gain access to:
- Sweaty and effective home workouts. My workouts require some hand weights and self-driven attitude. They are all inspired by my barre and sports training and are fun (promise!).
- Plant-based nutrition. You will learn how to prioritize veggies, whole foods and how to go sugar free. I also share how to make nutrient dense meals for the whole family.
- Mindset work. The most important tool in your toolbox is your mindset. This program dives deep into self-discovery to uncover your blocks, self-sabatoging inner dialogue and will teach you how to move past them.
How is this program delivered?
The 12-Week Power Project program is delivered exclusively online. Upon purchase, you will be rerouted to a Thank You page where you will be directed to confirm your opt-in to the program. Your program will begin immediately with an initial email, asking you to CONFIRM your email address (super important step). Once you confirm, you are ready to start your 12 weeks of The Power Project! What’s so great about this is that you can go about the program at your own pace, some weeks you may be avble to fit in more content, some weeks may be too busy and that’s ok!
I know that you are going to love this program. Here’s a story from a member of FIT CLUB who went through the Power Project last fall.
”I was a competitive skier in my “younger days” and had to train at least 4 times a week, and I have tried to remain active during my life… with various results. But it wasn’t until the 12 weeks of Power Project last fall that I really started enjoying movement and exercise and (I can’t believe I’m really saying this) I crave it after an occasional day off! It’s the words “Show up for yourself” I hear from Rebecca during her videos that motivate me to wake up way before anyone else in the household and work up some sweat. I’m finally loving my body that is becoming stronger every week, and I know I’m showing my two girls how important it is to… yes, you guessed it: Show up for myself! Thank you Rebecca, you appeared in my life just at the right moment!” -Jana
Any questions…send me a DM, we could set up a 15 minutes call to see if this program is right for you!