Why we practice Warrior Poses.
Warrior 1/ Vira 1- Regular practice of Warrior 1/Virabhadrasana 1 increases flexibility in the hips and strengthens and tones the legs, ankles and feet. Working on Warrior I will improve all standing poses as well as hip openers. In this pose we get a twist for the spine, while the opening of the shoulders and side body prepares us for backbends.
Warrior 2/ Vira 2- Warrior II requires lots of strength and stability, but also flexibility in the hips and upper body. I love this pose as it teaches us the balance of strength and ease. It is empowering whole body pose that will lift your spirits and fuel your soul.
Warrior 3/ Vira 3- By far the most challenging of the three, Warrior 3 pose trains our focus and works the small muscles in the feet and ankles. It also requires a little flexibility in the hamstrings.
Reverse Warrior- Reverse Warrior Pose opens us up to the world.I love this pose as a transition pose between flows and as a heart opener.